political speech

美 [pəˈlɪtɪkl spiːtʃ]英 [pəˈlɪtɪkl spiːtʃ]
  • 政治演说
political speechpolitical speech
  1. US presidential inaugural address is a typical form of US public political speech .


  2. Transitivity Analysis on Political Speech and News


  3. Public political speech is now becoming a major way of international communication .


  4. Political speech is not subject to prior judicial review .


  5. Yet it would slot nicely into many a contemporary political speech .


  6. A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity .


  7. Rather , it is to suggest that what you describe is not actually political speech .


  8. Indeed , the space is filled with political speech , on both the right and the left .


  9. Situational Context and Translation of Political Speech


  10. Political speech , one of the literary forms , originates from the ancient Greek and Roman times .


  11. But there was still a question about whether corporations could have the same freedom of political speech as real people do .


  12. First though , he defines the language beginning with how Orwell characterized political speech already explained above .


  13. The practical value of the study lies in helping people understand political speech better and improving their skills of verbal communication .


  14. Why not try reading a text maybe an emotional script or political speech in front of the mirror .


  15. A majority of Americans believe heated political speech played little if any part in the Arizona shooting .


  16. Political speech is an important phenomenon in the western world as well as a style of discourse which plays an important part in political field .


  17. Chapter I introduces the basic information about the political speech , involving the components , structural patterns , classifications , characteristics and functions .


  18. The textual function is the comprehensive function of a single political speech , and it is directly related to the success of the speech .


  19. However , only in recent years has inaugural address , as a type of political speech , aroused linguists ' interest .


  20. Imperative clause and interrogative clause , like spices , are also essential in political speech in conveying interpersonal meaning .


  21. Since the nineteen forties , the traditional place for political speech by American unions and companies has been through political action committees .


  22. Over the past decades , dozens of studies carried out on public political speech have mostly focused on content analysis , stylistics and critical discourse analysis .


  23. But outside the realm of activism and political speech , the online world in China is fiercely competitive and anarchic at times .


  24. Although it is not complete and profound , its aim is to open a new perspective for political speech analysis and play an supplementary role in CDA .


  25. Audiences or readers will find it hard to spot these implicit relations . Due to the implicit and persuasiveness of the political speech .


  26. This thesis aims at exposing the persuasive essence of western political speech through a close analysis of the lively debates between opposing candidates .


  27. In order to better attain the interactive goal , low and median value modal operators , such as will and can are more frequently used in political speech .


  28. As far as the topics it covers , political speech falls into four kinds : inaugural speech , domestic speech , military speech and diplomatic speech .


  29. They use a combination of humor and irony , in essence , they belong to the edge of the layer in the symbolic space of political speech .


  30. Some of those who jammed into Hart Plaza were disappointed that Obama didn 't give a red-meat political speech .
